Measuring ESG Performance through CSR Impact

About the Project
A summary report that measures ESG performance through CSR impact across 4 key dimensions - Waste, Water, Emissions, and Workers
Client / Collaborators
Godrej Properties
How we helped
Editorial Design, Infographics, Illustrations, Layout Design.

Measuring ESG Performance through CSR Impact

About the Project
A summary report that measures ESG performance through CSR impact across 4 key dimensions - Waste, Water, Emissions, and Workers
Client / Collaborators
Godrej Properties
How we helped
Editorial Design, Infographics, Illustrations, Layout Design.

Measuring ESG Performance through CSR Impact

About the Project
A summary report that measures ESG performance through CSR impact across 4 key dimensions - Waste, Water, Emissions, and Workers
Client / Collaborators
Godrej Properties
How we helped
Editorial Design, Infographics, Illustrations, Layout Design.